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5 Ways to Avoid Customer Data Theft
customer data

5 Ways to Avoid Customer Data Theft

Data breaches continue to climb as thieves and hackers get better at breaking into secure networks. In 2017 alone, a record

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2000 1450 fedshred
Why an NAID Certification Is Important
NAID certification

Why an NAID Certification Is Important

When it comes to conducting business, you need to focus on keeping the company, employees, and customers safe. The best way to do this is through hiring a shredding company. However, not just any company will do. Make sure your shredding company is NAID certified. More than

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2000 1390 fedshred
5 Ways Your Business Can Avoid a Confidentiality Breach
confidentiality breach

5 Ways Your Business Can Avoid a Confidentiality Breach

It seems as if every morning we wake up to news of a new confidentiality breach. And every company lives in fear that one day, it will be them. Every business has sensitive data, but some industries are particularly high-stakes. Healthcare companies, for instance, need to know

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2560 1477 fedshred
Improve Your Business’ Confidentiality With Offsite Shredding
offsite shredding

Improve Your Business’ Confidentiality With Offsite Shredding

Think business confidentiality is only for top-secret projects? Does it surprise you to know that every business has confidential documentation? Employee and customer records, contracts, and financial statements. Every company has these documents and more. Some are confidential, and they all take up space. What do you do when storing paper records uses up valuable…

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1688 1125 fedshred

Making More Space In The Office? 5 Tips On Document Shredding & What To Shred

Are you at the point where you need a gymnastics coach to make it from one end of your office to the other? Maybe you just don't know when you should be shredding all of those documents that have been sitting around forever? Unfortunately, this situation has landed you in a pickle. You've got limited…

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150 150 fedshred

5 Things You Need to Know About Hard Drive Destruction

Go paperless. It's not just an environmentally conscience trend anymore. We're now neck-deep in the digital age. By now, your company is very good at handling your client's personal, financial, medical, or other sensitive information. You are HIPPA compliant. You follow rules for confidentiality by using a certified protect the information on the hard drives. You…

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150 150 fedshred

How Long Should You Keep Employee Records?

Anyone who works in HR knows: employee records add up. Between your records for past employees, current employees, and possible hires, it's almost impossible to keep track of all the paperwork you have to deal with. Is there a way to cut down on all of this? You can keep your paperwork collection from getting too…

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150 150 fedshred

What Is Records Management? Everything You Need to Know

It's a great feeling when your business is going well and growing. It's every entrepreneur's dream. With your growing success, how well are you keeping up the pace? More business means more hands to do the job. It also means paperwork. More paperwork means you need a better system to stay organized. But, you already knew…

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150 150 fedshred
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