At the Office

Document Archiving In 2020: How Has It Evolved
document archiving

Document Archiving In 2020: How Has It Evolved

We've all had that moment where someone in the office asks for an old document. What did we do with it? Is it on our desk, in storage, or somewhere in the filing cabinets? 73% of business owners still print documents at least four times a day which means you most likely have plenty of paper to wade…

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2000 1564 fedshred
Do You Know Long to Keep Employee Files After Termination?
how long to keep employee files

Do You Know Long to Keep Employee Files After Termination?

Do you have some employee terminations but not sure how long you should keep the records?  The average person will have

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2000 1500 fedshred

How Long Should You Keep Employee Records?

Anyone who works in HR knows: employee records add up. Between your records for past employees, current employees, and possible hires, it's almost impossible to keep track of all the paperwork you have to deal with. Is there a way to cut down on all of this? You can keep your paperwork collection from getting too…

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150 150 fedshred
5 Reasons Your Information Management System Needs a Shredding Service
Shredding Service

5 Reasons Your Information Management System Needs a Shredding Service

Do you need a shredding service? Ask yourself these questions: Is time on a budget at work? Do you find that your information management system is being overlooked? It might be easy to push information management to the back of your mind but as soon as you encounter a confidentiality issue, you will wonder why you…

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1688 1125 fedshred

New Year’s Resolutions for the Workplace

The New Year is a time to give some thought to more than just personal goals for the upcoming year. It’s also a great time to set goals for improvements in the office (where we spend so much of our time, after all). Business articles this time of year are rife with suggestions for how…

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150 150 fedshred

End of Year Document Purge

Clean It Up, Clear It Out: Office Clean-Up Day! At work, most of us don’t have the inclination or the time to devote to purging old documents and files. Work time is for work! However, dealing with files appropriately is an important task that helps a business run more smoothly AND reduces the chance of…

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150 150 fedshred
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