The introduction of FACTA and HIPAA legislation has created a surge in demand for the destruction of data. With data compliance laws breathing down your neck, shredding is more important than ever.
However, it’s not just enough to keep a shredder in the office for when you think you will need it. When considering what shredding is actually good for, you need to be able to debunk the myths surrounding it.
Here are five common shredding myths that way too many businesses still believe.
Myth No.1: No One Will Go Through My Trash
This is one of those myths that just won’t die. Too many businesses don’t even think about when and where to shred documents, as they assume they aren’t important enough for someone to go through their trash.
This is missing the point entirely. People can and do go through all kinds of business trash with alarming regularity.
They will be looking for personal and financial information that they can use for identity fraud and theft. No business is safe and it only takes one data breach to ruin your company.
Myth No.2: My Employees Will Shred Everything
In a perfect world, all of your employees would shred papers whenever necessary. However, when your team has a lot of work on their plate, shredding rarely takes center stage.
If you don’t have a proper paper shredding service or system in place, documents will inevitably pile up. The result is that the things that need to get shredded will slip through the net.
Myth No.3: Shredding Isn’t Necessary for My Business
When considering where to shred paper, too many people assume it only applies to businesses that deal with medical data or banking information. This is wrong.
FACTA and HIPPAA affect virtually every business in the United States in some way. Any data you have relating to a person or finances needs to get shredded. No ifs, no buts.
Myth No.4: My Business Data is Automatically Protected by Law
If you’re concerned about corporate privacy, don’t get complacent. Too many business leaders assume that the Corporate Espionage Act means they will always be covered if secrets are stolen.
However, this Act only applies to information that the company treats as a secret. If you haven’t shredded important documents and they get stolen, they weren’t being treated as secretive in the eyes of the law.
A secure shred policy is the only way to guarantee that your secrets are protected both physically and legally.
Myth No.5: Having a Shredder Means I am Compliant
It really does bear repeating that simply having a shredder in your office does not make you compliant with HIPAA or FACTA. Even routine shredding is no guarantee of compliance and many store-bought shredders don’t shred documents fine enough.
If you want an airtight policy, your best bet is to use a professional shredding service that can provide a certificate of destruction. This way you will always be covered in the eyes of the law.
Learn More
Debunking shredding myths is the first step towards security and compliance. To learn more about how to do shredding right, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our professional team today to make sure your confidential business documents are protected.