How Paper Shredding Saves the Environment
Shredding documents with a professional document destruction company guarantees that any confidential or other high-risk information they contain is securely destroyed. This helps you meet privacy regulations and protects your business, your employees, and your clients, customers or patients.
But did you also know it’s Earth-friendly?
All that paper doesn’t just end up in a landfill! It’s recycled and made into other paper products. After the documents go through our industrial shredder, all that shredded paper is compacted into bales (each weighing about 1300 pounds!). Even though the shredding has made all of the information they contain completely illegible, those bales remain in our completely secure facility until they are delivered to our paper recycling facility.
We use the Fox River Fiber paper recycling facility which has been certified for security by the National Association for Information Destruction. The shredded paper is turned into pulp and then repurposed into anything from printing paper to packaging. Fox River Fiber uses “state-of-the-art equipment, energy saving strategies, new technology, and has certifications with various green-focused organizations.”
Go Green with Federal Records Management & Shredding in Fort Wayne
Federal Records Management and Shredding in Fort Wayne is proud of the value we provide our clients by protecting their sensitive and confidential documents until the information can be completely destroyed. We also pride ourselves on the role we play in helping our environment by keeping all of that paper out of the waste stream and effectively getting it recycled and repurposed.
Earth Day is April 22nd. Celebrate by giving us a call to learn about our document management and shredding services. Protect your business, clients, and employees — and help the Earth — by trusting locally-owned Federal Records Management and Shredding with your confidential document destruction.